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How to use a Kindle

How to use a Kindle

Discover tips and tricks on everything from popular Kindle apps to how to organize your library, listen to books, and read personal documents on your device.

How to use a Kindle

Discover tips and tricks on everything from popular Kindle apps to how to organize your library, listen to books, and read personal documents on your device.

Must-have Kindle accessories

Must-have Kindle accessories

Customize your Kindle with the best accessories, from unique Kindle cases and sleeves to Kindle stands and remote control page turners.

Must-have Kindle accessories

Customize your Kindle with the best accessories, from unique Kindle cases and sleeves to Kindle stands and remote control page turners.

Which Kindle should I buy?

Which Kindle should I buy?

Budget-friendly tiny Kindle? Super popular Paperwhite? Brand-new Colorsoft? Or feature-packed Scribe? Discover the best Kindle for your reading style.

Which Kindle should I buy?

Budget-friendly tiny Kindle? Super popular Paperwhite? Brand-new Colorsoft? Or feature-packed Scribe? Discover the best Kindle for your reading style.

Is a Kindle worth it?

Is a Kindle worth it?

"Should I buy a Kindle?" You're not the first to ask this question. Good thing we've got the answer. Discover 6 reasons why a Kindle is worth the investment.

Is a Kindle worth it?

"Should I buy a Kindle?" You're not the first to ask this question. Good thing we've got the answer. Discover 6 reasons why a Kindle is worth the investment.